
our inspiration

After searching around, I became connected with The Oak Cottage for Women. This home will be a place for women who have been recently released from prison to come and receive help finding a job and getting settled into the real world. This faith based home will give these women a safe and loving environment as they learn how to re-enter back into society.

This is such a need for the community because women granted parole often have no place to go, so they are never released, or they go back to the toxic communities they came from.

Now, the women will have a healthy place that will meet their essential needs to have a successful life out of prison. My role in this is to provide clothing for each women. I also have the opportunity to provide a family style meal for the women once a week.

However, the house is still in the process of being built, so the profits at the moment go to furnishings of the rooms. This opportunity has taught me how to grow and serve in a new way. Thank you for allowing me to help these women and show them love.